Development mental note

Weekend curated links #25

4 Things Really Successful People Say ‘No’ To

20 Realistic Micro-Habits To Live Better Every Day


Quotes of the day

Jim Rohn has said, “Work hard at your job and you can make a living. Work hard on yourself and you can make a fortune.” 

Similarly, Benjamin P. Hardy once wrote, “Spend 20% of your energy on your work and 80% of your energy on recovery and self-improvement.”

Said Benjamin P. Hardy, “Success is 20 steps in one direction instead of 1 step in 20 directions.”

Said James Allen, “Circumstances do not make the man, they reveal him.”

driving mental note

Scrisoare deschisă șoferului român

Impărtășesc câteva gânduri referitoare la șofat, conduita in trafic, șofat defensiv si așteptări de la autorități.

Gânduri despre romani in general la volan

  • Nu semnalizează schimbarea direcției de mers
  • Nu se încadrează corespunzător pe banda de mers
  • Nu acorda prioritate la trecerea de pietoni
  • Nu se asigura la efectuarea manevrei de depășire (asigurare in fata, nici in spate)
  • Nu folosesc luminile de drum
  • Nu au o conduita preventivă si nici nu sunt atenți : in trafic suntem foarte imprudenți si agresivi
  • Nu prea se concentrează pe sofat(vorbesc la telefon fără handsfree, stau pe social media, orice mai puțin sa fie activi implicați mental in activitatea de a șofa)
  • Nu folosesc corespunzător banda a 2 a de pe autostrada (romanul s-a născut pe banda a 2 a)
  • Sunt relaxați in privința consumului de alcool la volan
  • Nu avem cultura mersului pe autostrada deși paradoxal ne dorim autoastrazi si “civilizație ca afara”

Evident nu ma refer la toți romanii, însă marea majoritate din păcate se încadrează la observațiile de mai sus, observații ce vin in urma a 19 ani de supraviețuit in trafic.

mental note Quotes


Two of my favorite quotes regarding leadership and management:

”Integrity is not a conditional word. It doesn’t blow in the wind or change with the weather. It is your inner image of yourself, and if you look in there and see a man who won’t cheat, then you know he never will.” – John D. MacDonald

Moral authority comes from following universal and timeless principles like honesty, integrity, and treating people with respect.” – Stephen Covey

Development mental note

Weekend curated links #24

How to Do Hybrid Right – a great article for managers but not limited regarding ways to adapt to hybrid model of business

An Argument Against Returning To The Office

Opinion articles

Remote work tips & tricks

The article was first published here on the 16th of March 2020.

In these exceptional times of global crisis, we are changing the way we work, focusing on remote work, or work from home scenarios across the IT eco-system.

Here are a couple of quick thoughts :

Regarding Meetings

If you’re on a call with more than one person, please mute by default, out of courtesy.

mental note Opinion articles

Using Video to Be Virtually Present for Your Team While Working Remotely

A guide to staying connected, safe, engaged, productive and empathic during critical situations with the help of video.

The article was first published here on the 18th of March 2020.

During these exceptional times of a global crisis, companies are changing the way they work, shifting to working remotely, or working from home scenarios across the IT ecosystem.

Companies everywhere are currently shifting operations for safety reasons to temporary remote operations-creating a couple of challenges in staying connected, engaged and productive.

In response to those challenges, the opportunity now is to lead with calm and inspire confidence in these times of crisis,  providing the context for team members to feel safe and contributing to initiatives while facing the challenges of remote work and global safety issues.

Development Opinion articles

2021 Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2021

Must read materials regarding 2021 top strategic predictions & trends from Gartner and New Relic.

My opinion is that this quote from Gartner will be key in filtering the companies that will succeed or fail at the end of 2021 :

Organizations are often dragged down by “organizational debt,” which includes technical, process, data, architecture, talent, security and social debt. Collectively this debt affects value proposition and brand. The cause is an extensive and expensive set of business processes underpinned by a patchwork of technologies that are often not optimized, lean, connected or consistent.

Development mental note

Weekend curated links #23

Do These Things Before Going to Bed and You’ll Wake up Energized for Tomorrow

How to Read Two Books a Week


Quote of the day

“As much as you need a strong personality to build a business from scratch, you must also understand the art of delegation.”
— Richard Branson