In these exceptional times of global crisis, we are changing the way we work, focusing on remote work, or work from home scenarios across the IT eco-system.
In these exceptional times of global crisis, we are changing the way we work, focusing on remote work, or work from home scenarios across the IT eco-system.
Acum am văzut ce brambureală ro-engleză e în taguri. ToFixLater.
Avem imagini în rss ? Avem.
Avem hosting cu trafic de 10GB pe lună ? Avem. Mult, puțin, la ce trafic am eu momentan este arhi-suficient.
Images embedded into rss ? Checked.
10 GB upgraded hosting plan ? We have. It is enough for the moment considering my traffic.
So, out of the 2 photos which one do you prefer?
For me this photo is better than untitled #010.
I have 2 shots from behind my work place(old communist style building).
Nothing fancy with this first photo, resize: a bit of contrast, curves and 40% desaturate layer.
I’ll be uploading the other one tomorrow.
Between the 2 photos this is the least favorite of mine.
What do you think ?