mental note

It’s the boring things that make you rich

If you watch on podcast this year, make it this one regarding investments, compound effect mindset, life from The Diary of a CEO.

Also, 2nd runner up, a great “debate” between Simon Sinek and Scott Galloway.

Development mental note Opinion articles

Weekend curated links #31

2023 was a crazy year, 2024 is announced to be a difficult year also.

More geopolitical conflicts, more economical distress, more pressure on the earth and climate stability and last but not least a great deal of pressure on our mental and physical health.

We will face new challenges and unforeseen consequences of our financial greed.

We are cursed to make the same mistakes over and over and have a short term memory, we already forgot the lessons learned in 2020 during the COVID pandemic.

Here are a couple of health and financial resources I recommend to get you started in 2024.

Development mental note

Weekend curated links #30


Development mental note

Weekend curated links #29 – video edition

Development mental note

Curated links #28

Ivy Lee’s Secret: The Best To-Do List Method You Never Knew Existed

14 Things My Highly Productive Friends Have Given Up

mental note Opinion articles

Happy New Year 2023

As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, it’s a time for reflection and focusing on the future.

The start of a new year is a chance for a fresh beginning, a time to set new goals and make new plans.

Here are five goals / resolutions you should consider :

Development mental note

Weekend curated links #27

In 1911, a genius revealed a forgotten science of how to be 50x more productive without working more hours

How To Survive The Dark Side Of Corporate Life

Development mental note

Weekend curated links #26

How to Parent Like a Minimalist

Making our decisions – Great post by Seth Godin.

Development mental note

Weekend curated links #25

4 Things Really Successful People Say ‘No’ To

20 Realistic Micro-Habits To Live Better Every Day

driving mental note

Scrisoare deschisă șoferului român

Impărtășesc câteva gânduri referitoare la șofat, conduita in trafic, șofat defensiv si așteptări de la autorități.

Gânduri despre romani in general la volan

  • Nu semnalizează schimbarea direcției de mers
  • Nu se încadrează corespunzător pe banda de mers
  • Nu acorda prioritate la trecerea de pietoni
  • Nu se asigura la efectuarea manevrei de depășire (asigurare in fata, nici in spate)
  • Nu folosesc luminile de drum
  • Nu au o conduita preventivă si nici nu sunt atenți : in trafic suntem foarte imprudenți si agresivi
  • Nu prea se concentrează pe sofat(vorbesc la telefon fără handsfree, stau pe social media, orice mai puțin sa fie activi implicați mental in activitatea de a șofa)
  • Nu folosesc corespunzător banda a 2 a de pe autostrada (romanul s-a născut pe banda a 2 a)
  • Sunt relaxați in privința consumului de alcool la volan
  • Nu avem cultura mersului pe autostrada deși paradoxal ne dorim autoastrazi si “civilizație ca afara”

Evident nu ma refer la toți romanii, însă marea majoritate din păcate se încadrează la observațiile de mai sus, observații ce vin in urma a 19 ani de supraviețuit in trafic.