Check out the complete photo-set here.
Mental note : you know you’ve made it when you get 10,20 spam comments a day. And I haven’t even started posting on a daily bases…
Now to the interesting stuff:
2007 I must achieve things(a bit late but hey school is hard):
1. Finish school ok. I’m in my senior year @ the Academy of Economic Studies.
2. Settle on one full time job with some out of the office colaborations here and there
3. Make this domain a collection of my greatest unpublished photo work
4. Buy some quality lenses and stuff to make my photo-walking experiences even more rewarding
5. Be/remain healthy!
6. Go to the gimm (that’s a must) && also gain some weight ’cause the wind can knock me off my feet sometime 🙂
7. Pay more attention to my MSG