Since it’s a long weekend again I’ll share more than 5 resources, hope you enjoy them while having a big cup of ☕️.
I’ve Worked From Home for 22 Years. Here’s What I’ve Learned
How To Start A Daily Journaling Habit (And What To Write About)
Since it’s a long weekend again I’ll share more than 5 resources, hope you enjoy them while having a big cup of ☕️.
I’ve Worked From Home for 22 Years. Here’s What I’ve Learned
How To Start A Daily Journaling Habit (And What To Write About)
Everything in moderation, including moderation.
Oscar Wilde
You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen
Michelle Obama
I Don’t Own A House, Didn’t Build A Career… I Am 52 and Blissfully Happy – “We think we need money to survive but in reality the universe always will have your back”
India’s ‘Maximum City’ Engulfed by Coronavirus – brave photographer
Inside Bill’s Brain – Decoding Bill Gates / Netflix
This Is How to Age with Elegance – Do not go gentle into that good night – insightful article if you’re over 35 years old.
“You must accept the reality of other people. You think that reality is up for negotiation, that we think it’s whatever you say it is. You must accept that we are as real as you are; you must accept that you are not God.”
J. K. Rowling
Two weekend curated links in one long weekend, you ask ?
Why of course. Since he have 1)a pandemic going on and 2) it’s an extended weekend, I thought you would like a double shot of weekend curated links. Enjoy!