Same as the previous one.
Bioparc view

Same as the previous one.
Some of the artificial caves from Bioparc are great for taking photos.
@ The SFC 2016 Shine convention.
Honorable mention : FORD dune buggy of some sorts.
A hotel wide shot from Kenosha that fits in the category of “oldies but goldies”.
Great food.
Clearwater has frequently been ranked one of the best beaches in the United States.
From Bioparc.
Details : 3 exposures, merged in Adobe Photoshop and edited in Lightroom.
O poză unde efectul HDR nu este atât de evident.
View from Quart Tower.
Cel puțin pt. street art / graffiti, Valencia este un oraș care are ceva de oferit la fiecare colț de stradă.
A quick shot from the bridge next to the City Of Science.