This one is from the archives.
It’s been a busy week: @the work places {2 jobs remember?} everything is starting to sync in regarding current projects.
Also got my camera out for some shutter quality time. Produced 2,3 good shots.
Today I went to Letters from Iwo Jima with msg – good movie. Next up 300(awesome trailers btw) and Norbit.
Weekend here I come!
5 replies on “untitled #001”
Thanks for the comment. I like this shot and the angle makesit unique. I saw the iwo Jima movie and thought it was really good. Best wishes to you
Da !
Imi place unghiul de fotografiere. Post-prelucrarea mi se pare adecvata.
Misto poza, pe scurt.
Vreau sa merg si eu la Iwo Jima. Am auzit numai de bine. Am fost aseara la La Môme (film despre viata lui Edith Piaf). Impresionanta interpretare.
Great colours and perspective.
Mmmmmhm…. tenta un pic galbuie dar la poza asta imi place. Imi aminteste cumva de vremea dinainte de ’89. Totul parca avea tenta asta atunci.
I definitely prefer this version! HDR images can seem so soulless sometimes, whereas this gives a much clearer feeling of the day it was taken.